Vida invests in solar power
Nyligen tecknades ett avtal mellan Vida, elbolaget Bixia samt solenergiföretaget Svea Solar, som innebär att en ny stor solpark kommer att byggas i Blekinge med byggstart under hösten. Solparken, som beräknas vara i drift under våren 2023, blir landets hittills största och bidrar med cirka 19 GWh ny elproduktion i elområde 4.
Vida has recently signed an agreement with the power company Bixia and the solar power company Svea Solar which has led to the creation of a major new solar farm in Blekinge. The solar farm, estimated to go into operation in spring 2023, will be the largest in the country so far and will contribute around 19 GWh of electricity production to electricity area 4.
The solar farm will generate around 19 million kWh per year, which is the equivalent of the electricity consumption of 3,800 houses. The Vida sawmill group along with Bixia and the solar energy company Svea Solar are behind this investment, via a so-called PPA (Power Purchase Agreement). Under the agreement, Svea Solar will build, own and manage the solar farm and Vida will buy the electricity produced by the farm via Bixia. Vida has collaborated with Bixia on electricity trading since 2014, and this solar farm will become part of the company’s long-term electricity trading strategy.
Better climate and more stable electricity prices
Vida actively manages it’s environmental impact and the company already supports a reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as growing forests capture carbon dioxide and the by-products of the sawmill are manufactured from emission-neutral energy.
“We want to be a company that makes a positive contribution to the climate transition, so it feels fantastic to be part of this solar farm investment. We are grateful to Bixia for facilitating the deal and we share their vision that the electricity of the future must be both renewable and locally produced,” says Måns Johansson, CEO of Vida.
The agreement, which has a 10-year term, will help the group to further reduce its environmental impact while also decreasing its electricity costs and protecting the group against volatility in the electricity market for the duration of the agreement.
“We are very happy to be expanding our collaboration with Vida, an exciting group with great climate-related ambitions that are consistent with those of Bixia. It is very important that a sawmill company such as Vida is making this large-scale investment into solar power, and that the farm is being built in southern Sweden where there is a large deficit in electricity production makes it even more important,” says Eric Constantien, Head of Sales, Bixia.
For more information, contact:
Måns Johansson, CEO Vida AB
+46 (0)70 – 535 88 25
Eric Constantien, Head of Sales, Bixia
+46 (0)70 – 826 25 75