Vida Wood
Vida Wood sells and delivers high-grade wood products to all corners of the world.
Vida Wood sells and delivers sawn wood products that are processed at the Group’s twelve sawmills in Borgstena, Hjältevad, Hestra, Hästveda, Alvesta, Vislanda, Urshult, Nössemark, Tranemo, Vimmerby, Orrefors and Mörlunda. 88 % of the production is exported to five continents. All Vida products are manufactured from renewable raw materials – the Swedish forest. The majority of raw materials are purchased from private forest landowners via our purchasing company, Vida Skog.
All of Vida’s sawmills are focused on structural timber. A high degree of value-added processing takes place at all sawmills including planing, precision cutting, stress grading, finger-joining and chemical impregnating. Sideboards are predominantly made into tongued and grooved timber and batten for the European and Swedish markets. The product range from CLS, TR26 (stress-graded roof truss timber) to other types of beams. Vida’s wood products are sold worldwide, and the company’s largest markets include Sweden, England, Denmark, USA and Japan.
Production & sales
Turnover in SEK
Number of sawmills
Sweden, England, Denmark, Holland, Japan, USA and Australia.
Contact us
We will answer all your questions.
Vida Wood US
+1 919 934 9904
Sales offices

Vida Wood US
Vida Wood U.S. imports the finest premium Scandinavian and European spruce products into the market today.

Vida Wood DK
(In Danish). Vida sælger 165.000 m3 i Danmark, hvilket svarer til omkring 15% af den samlede import, og vores hovedprodukter er taglægter, spærtræ, reglar, etc.; kort sagt ”hurtigløberne” til dansk byggeri.

Vida Wood Japan
Vida Wood Japan imports the finest premium Scandinavian and European spruce products into the market today.