Sawn wood products
High-grade wood products for construction, building material suppliers and industry.
Vida is a leading sawmill group. Our twelve modern sawmills focus on structural timber/stress-graded timber for building material suppliers and construction companies.
Our operations are flexible and we have the capacity to adapt dimensions, lengths and grades based on the specific requirements of different markets. Customised solutions for builders and industry is what we do.
At Vida we manage the entire logistics flow. Our sawmills are strategically placed and our highly-developed logistics system with distribution centres close to our customers have made us an important global supplier of high-grade wood products.
For construction
Structural timber and stress-graded timber.
For industry
Wood products for the packaging, wood and furniture industries.
Customised products
Our motto - make it simple for our customers
Vida's logistics system
Close to the best raw materials market. Close to the global market.
Vida’s modern sawmills
There are twelve sawmills in the Group, all of which are technologically advanced with modern equipment.
Sales offices
Vida Wood US
Vida Wood U.S. imports the finest premium Scandinavian and European spruce products into the market today.
Vida Wood Australia
Vida Wood Australia is a global supplier of refined products from sustainable Swedish and Canadian Forest and we offer readymade design solutions of high quality.
Vida Trading Asia AB
Vida Trading Asia AB is responsible for our lumber sales to the Japanese market.
Vida Wood DK
(In Danish). Vida sælger 165.000 m3 i Danmark, hvilket svarer til omkring 15% af den samlede import, og vores hovedprodukter er taglægter, spærtræ, reglar, etc.; kort sagt ”hurtigløberne” til dansk byggeri.
Contact us
Vida offers a complete range of sawn wood products, structural timber and pre-fabricated housing components.
Vida Wood US
+1 919 934 9904